Thursday, April 24, 2008

Read Aloud Plan and Journal

Read Aloud Plan

Title: Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterfly by Alan Madison And Kevin Hawkes

The story is about a young girl who just wants to fit in with the rest of her first grade class. Velma ends up finding her way to fit in through butterflies. I chose this because being a girl you always want to fit in and tells a relateable story of Velma and how she fit in. Also, the story is about insects and since 4th grade science learns about insects I thought this would be a wonderful book to interlock reading and science. I hope that Tori finds the book interesting and learns about the metamorphosis stage of the butterfly. I hope that Tori finds it fun to learn about different subjects by reading.

Read Aloud Journal

Tori loved this book! She didn't really think that much about how Velma didn't fit in with her class. However, Tori enjoys Science and liked how Velma discovers her way of fitting in through butterflies. She really enjoyed the pictures and wanted to look at the longer. The book was long enough to tell the whole story but short enough to keep her attention. I think this book is a great book to tie in reading into the science.

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