Monday, February 4, 2008

Children's LitBlog Ch 10, Craft Lesson 3, Dr. Seuss and Minn & Jake Part 2

Tunnell, Michael O. and James S. Jacobs. Children's Literature, Briefly. 4e. Upper Sadle River NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008.
Chapter 10
This chapter wasn't one of the most exciting chapters that I have read except for the fact it was short. However, Chapter 10 related to some of my favorite movies that have been out in the past few years. After viewing Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and reading this chapter, I understood the six basic fantasy motifs. The book fully describing them and see a movie or reading a book that used these allowed for a complete understanding of the material.

I think after reading the past few chapters that I have realized that it is very important to have a wide variety of material to capture and engage children's interest.

Craft Lesson 3: Minn and Jake
Discussion: Minn and Jake is a wonderful book and it could be applied to the classroom is many ways. I would use it to focus on differences in children and how differences make some one unique. I would use Minn and Jake at the beginning of the year to bring out unique characteristics in the students so everyone could learn about one another.

How to Teach It:
I would start off by taking a few days and reading Minn and Jake. Afterwards, I would discuss friendships and the unique characteristics of Minn and Jake and their friends. To apply it to class, I would make a sheet up in the form of bingo and in each box have a unique characteristic. Examples could be: I have blonde hair, I was born outside Lubbock, I have 3 or more siblings. Then I would allow the class to mingle amongst each other and see as a class if you can get all the boxes full and hopefully get a black out. In the meantime of playing the game, you learn new things about your classmates.

This would be a great first of the week craft idea to have the class meet each other and get ready for the year.

Seuss, Dr. My Many Colored Days. Illus. Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. New York, NY: Random House, Inc., 1996.
My Many Colored Days
My Many Colored Days was a unique book for the fact that it said so much in such few words. I thought the illustrations were wonderful and truly captured the text. It goes through the emotions of different days and shows that every day varies in how some one may feel. This is a great book because a child may not understand the words exactly but perhaps the illustrations will speak louder than the words and bring in a better understanding of emotions.

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Frances Foster Books, 2003.
Minn and Jake Part 2
Minn and Jake was a wonderful and enjoyable book to read. I loved how she broke the book up in short chapters. It made for a fast read. The pictures in the book allowed for you to see the cleverness of her writing. It allowed you to experience part of Minn and Jake's adventures throughout the book. I love how at the end Jake/ Soup caught a lizard for Minn right before they left for the summer. It was such a wonderful book and being able to talk to Janet Wong at the Literature Festival brought some wonderful insight of Minn and Jake.


Nikki said...

Courtney I love your craft lesson 3! The bingo idea is a very fun activity and also a great get to know you game. I thought you did a great job with this craft lesson.

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Courney: I so agree with you that as teachers we have to make available to our students a variety of kinds of books. If one doesn't work, then we've always got something different to try to get them or keep them interested in reading.

Staci said...

I think Bingo is a great idea. We did something similar in 6th grade and it was a lot of fun. It's been 20 years and I still remember it.