Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Craft Lesson 2: Apple Pie 4th of July

Craft Lesson 2: Apple Pie 4th of July

In the book, Apple Pie 4th of July we see how America is made up of different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds. I believe that it would be important to discuss other examples of cultures and how different cultures have shaped what America is today.

How to teach it:
I would start of with the book and start discussing examples of how different cultures have shaped America and discuss holidays such as thanksgiving, Christmas, and others. I would continue the discussion but move the focus on the students. The students can start describing their family holidays and how they may differ from another student’s family holiday.

After the class discussion, I would have the class break into groups and either have different stations set up in the classroom focusing on a particular country or have them research on a computer different countries. I would make a journal for the students to write the countries facts in and this journal would represent a passport. I would have them find what unique traditions of different countries and other facts are. Afterwards researching, they will have a passport around the world that they can take home and keep. To further the study, you can have you students select a country and do a presentation for the class about the country and perhaps bring a type of food that, which country is known for.

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